The Dream of a Borderless Life

by World Traveller
Forest and Mountain in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Taken by Borderless Traverler, on 2019/03/22.

The notion of a borderless life might seem far-fetched, but the fact is that it already exists. Capital, goods, services and people can move freely from one place to another. Although it may be the stuff of science fiction, it is a natural occurrence that is largely within our grasp. It is also a powerful tool of the imagination. But where do we find it? How can we make it happen? What are the practical steps to take to make it happen?

It is a distant dream

It is a farfetched dream to imagine a world without boundaries. In an ideal world, everyone would travel freely with no passport or visa requirements. The only difference is that countries would have to cooperate with each other to keep the borders open. Unfortunately, borderless worlds aren’t a possibility today, and such a dream remains a distant dream. In the meantime, we need to work on our current problems before embarking on a path towards a borderless future.

The idea of a borderless world is powerful and enticing. However, it is problematic in its application to political and aesthetic imaginations. The current world is so unjust that it maintains a form of apartheid, such as economic violence against black and brown South Africans. Real borderless life would require redistribution of land and resources, and a fundamental reconfiguration of ideas of ownership and belonging.

It is a natural occurrence

People have always crossed borders, for various reasons. People of different nationalities have often lived in the same country, as they sought better life opportunities elsewhere. Then, there are the high-class individuals who move to better places. The borderless life will be no different. But will it be good? Will people be able to live together peacefully? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, let’s take a look at its drawbacks.

It is a powerful resource for imagination

The concept of a borderless life is a rich source for our social, political, and aesthetic imagination. Yet it is not without its perils. While utopian imagination is in decline, apocalyptic imagination has colonized the spirit of our time. Both utopianism and apocalypse evoke the politics of separation. This article explores some of the ways that we can harness the power of our imagination to create a borderless world.

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